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10 months ago
Admissions Advice

Will it be fine if I don't submit SAT and ACT scores ?

I am from India , SAT and ACT exams are not easy to apply for . Also the cost is way beyond what I can afford . However , I will be giving some very important exams such as JEE , CET and other private college entrance exams. My question is will elite colleges accept it ? Will it affect my overall chances of getting into colleges ?

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
10 months ago

Some elite schools are still test-optional, but many are switching back to requiring the test scores within the last few weeks. So depending on when you are applying, the school may require a test score. If you apply test-optional, though, it shouldn't affect your application terribly. But there is a trend starting of schools moving away from test-optional.

I recommend you reach out to an admissions officer of the colleges you are interested in applying to and asking if they would accept one of the other scores. Simply explain your situation and politely ask if they would accept a substitute score.

Hope this helps and lmk if you have any questions.

10 months ago


I didn't submit my SAT/ACT scores for my applications this year and I still got accepted to very good universities.

10 months ago

The answer to this question depends solely on the policies of the institutions you are applying to in the United States.

You should review their policies on test score submissions to see if a SAT or ACT score will be required of you when you apply. Additionally, colleges may have different policies for reviewing the tests you take in India. Some may value them as a method of determining your equivalency to someone who received their education in the United States. Others may only be interested in you seeing that you have the local equivalent of a High School Diploma. How it impacts your chances depends highly upon what you determine after doing this research, but I'd say if you score high enough on your local exams, you don't have much to worry about so long as you give yourself a decent safety net if it doesn't work out with those colleges.

Best of luck!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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