4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is writing about one of my competitions cliche if I focus on a really obscure moment?

I have a few ideas about what to write for my essays. One of my ideas was to write about a embarrassing moment during my competition that changed my perspective on something non-academic related but tie it in with the competition as well because that moment helped me do well on that competition (not sure if that made sense?). I know writing about competitions is like top #5 cliches but if I focus more on that one moment is it...ok? Or should I avoid competitions altogether bc it's already listed on my ECs?


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2 answers

4 years ago

In my opinion, as long as you focus on the particular moment your realization occurred, it isn't so much about competitions. Especially since its about an embarrassing moment, which opens the gateways to so many unique ways to write the essay. As long as you tackle it from a different perspective (not the cliché competition essay) you'll be fine. It fact I think it would be a very funny/interesting essay.

4 years ago

This may just be me but the only competition essay cliche is a sport related “big game” and how you prepare for that. This competition seems to be a skill based club such as DECA debate etc. Also it isn’t cliche if it’s unique. If yours focuses on the moment of realization instead of the competition itself I see no reason to not write it.

Just don’t do the I had the big game in insert sport next week against insert crosstown rival. I did x to prepare. I prepared very hard and then it’s game time. WOW I can’t believe we won. I learned blah blah. If that is your essay in a nutshell don’t do it. Also use the peer review essay tool on CV as that’s a very good tool. If you can submit it multiple times for better feedback.

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