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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

If I went on file for academic dishonesty in my online English 205 GE class and I’m a Bio major, will my chances be low?

I’m in community college right now hoping to transfer, I have about a 3.2

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@Gernersdes2 years ago [edited]

If you are a college student and you go on file for academic dishonesty in your online English 205 GE class, you can also apply to be class president. It might not affect your chances of being admitted to medical school or getting into a good MBA program if you were just trying to earn money.

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3 answers

5 years ago

It's likely that schools will consider your academic dishonesty when reviewing you as an applicant since it can speak about your judgement and character as a student and could be considered a serious offense by many schools- but it doesn't mean that colleges will write you off completely. I would suggest trying to explain the circumstances around your academic dishonesty and how you handled the situation. Be sure to take accountability for the mistakes made and whether you were able to grow/improve from it and I think that can go a long way in your transfer application. Best of luck!

5 years ago

Unfortunately, having something on file for academic dishonesty is never going to help your case and it's difficult to predict how much of an impact it will have on your chances. I imagine the events surrounding why you have academic dishonesty on your file will also impact how it's viewed. Copying someone's homework might be viewed as less severe as someone who plagiarized an essay or cheated on an exam. So much goes into whether or not a student is accepted into a school. Your grades, majors, transfer essays, etc. are probably going to play a larger part in if you're accepted or not. It hurts to hear but if your stats are OK and the admissions officer is 50/50 on if they should admit you, the academic dishonesty might just help them make a decision.

If you have the chance to explain why this is on your file when you're working on your application you should take it. Make sure you don't write excuses for the behavior because AO's will see right through them. You will need to take responsibility for the actions and make sure you point out what you learned from the event and how it has helped you grow as a person.

Good luck with everything and let me know if you have any questions. And remember that you can definitely still get in places even with this on your record!

5 years ago

I agree with the other two answers. While it's not the best situation to be in it's not the worst. My friend last year got in trouble for cheating on our final exam (20% of our grade final grade at my high school) and he still got into schools even with it on his record. It's impossible to say if he would've got into more schools if that didn't happen though. I know you're transferring from a CC so it could be different but hopefully this makes you feel a bit better about your situation.

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