4 months ago
Admissions Advice

Associate's Degree?

Hello! I have a few questions about earning an Associate's Degree in high school. Is it really worth getting it? Also, how do I get one and what is usually required for one in high school? And finally, would getting one look good for colleges and universities? I know nothing on this subject, so any help would be appreciated!


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3 answers

4 months ago

Hey there!

So I had the opportunity to take an Associate's Degree program and I chose not to. It is a great option for many students, but my future bachelor's degree has very specific classes and I would end up taking classes that I could not transfer into the degree. So instead, I chose to begin dual enrollment, no associates, so I could chose the exact general education classes that WOULD transfer in and be worth my time and money.

So, it really depends on the person...for me it was better to handpick the classes and focus on that vs. earning an associates in something that didn't interest me and wouldn't be a good investment for my goal. So consider your goal and how you can best accomplish it.

Hope this helps and lmk if you have any questions!

4 months ago

Hello! I am also working on getting my AA degree. I feel like it is worth it because you can save money and time by getting it done in high school. If you complete it during high school, you will not have to talk the general education classes at most colleges. There are some exceptions based on what you are going into. At the same time, it shows that you are ready for college, as long as you get decent grades. At my high school, there is dual credit and dual enrollment for my local community college. I would recommend weighing the options, because some colleges are picky about how many credit hours you can come in with. Fortunately, most colleges I have talked to will still allow me to get freshmen scholarships as long as I apply for first year freshmen. I agree that you should talk to your counselor about this opportunity.

4 months ago

I'm working to get my AA degree in high school now, and for me so far I think it'd worth it but it's a lot of work for sure. I haven't applied for college yet so I don't know if it's helpful for that but I'll find out in the fall. To get an AA degree you enroll in classes at your local community college. Additionally, some high schools limit the amount of units you can take at a community college so it can take a bit to get it. I would talk about it with your counselor, and see if it's possible. It definitely takes a lot of hard work and can take a long time.

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