4 months ago
Admissions Advice

Advice for Sophomore Year Schedule

Hey there! I'm a rising sophomore and would like some advice on next year's courses. I am currently taking Honors Algebra 2 and Honors Chemistry in the summer to get ahead in my sophomore year, and it's easier than I expected. Here is my next year schedule:

Honors English 2, AP PreCalculus, AP Chemistry, AP World History, AP Computer Science A, Dual Credit Medical Terminology, Health Science Theory, and Debate 2.

I understand this is surprising for a sophomore, but I am confident enough to take it, as I am also in the top 7 percent in my school. However, I need some advice from people who have taken these courses, so any advice or recommendations would be helpful.

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3 months ago

I can only speak to a few of these. In my opinion Honors English II is way easier than I but that was probably just the teacher. AP World History was incredibly light, as long as you study before the unit tests and do the reading you’ll be fine. AP PreCalc’s first 2-3 units are review of Algebra II. I’m taking CSA next year as a junior but the class seems pretty straightforward and no coding experience prior is required, the class is about the Java coding language.

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