3 months ago
Admissions Advice

Micronation (should I put it as an extracurricular?)

I don't know if any of you are in the same situation as me, but...

I am a micronationalist, and have been running a micronation since roughly the Fall of 2015 or the Spring of 2016, when I was in 1st Grade.

I have been doing this for a while, yes, however have been wondering if I should add it to my university application.

I have often been criticized for still doing this at my age (Mainly things like "You're too old for this stuff.")

The fact is, I'm actually just getting started in terms of age. A lot of micronationalists are adults. (President Baugh/Molossia; Grand Duke Travis/Westarctica; Queen Carolyn/Ladonia; Queen Anastasia/Ruritania; The Bates'/Sealand) I plan to do more with it after starting university.

I have done a lot of things with it so far, including a flag, writing (not finished yet) a constitution, and partially establishing a language. My grandparents also gave me an old office-room in their house that I can decroate how I please (within reason), I chose to make it a micronational office.

I most likely intend to study Political Science.

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3 months ago

Personally, I don't see this as an issue as long as you're still continuing it in high school (9th or above). It would also be a very interesting essay topic to write in CommonApp essay portion of the application!

Hope this helps,

SilverDragon (11th/rising 12th, Class of 2025, Japan)


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