3 months ago
Admissions Advice

Some advice for my IB subject selection/Questions about AP and IB

Hi. I'm an international student and current high school sophomore(soon to be a junior). I've been attending a school with an AP curriculum for the past two years.

Standardized Test Scores:

Duolingo 145

dSAT 1580(paper SAT 1530)

List of AP exams I've taken so far:

AP US History(score comes out in July)

AP Bio(score comes out in July)

AP Lang(score comes out in July)

AP Psych(5)

AP Computer Science A(4)

side note: I feel pretty confident about APUSH and AP Lang(I'm expecting a 5 for both), but I kinda fcked up on AP Bio. Fuck AP Bio, Photosystems can kiss my behind.

Somehow my life has thrown such a curveball at me that I am transferring to an IB school after 2 years of AP(Great, two more years of grinding away my body and soul).

IB Subjects that I have planned as of now:

HL: English A Lit, Math AA, Chem

SL: Psych, Philosophy, Latin

Three questions I wanted to ask, though.

1. I'm hoping to major in Neuroscience or Psychology. Do I have to take IB Biology to get into a STEM major even though I already took the AP equivalent?

2. I've literally just started learning Latin. How proficient should I be before I take the SL IB Latin course?

3. How hard are HL IB Chemistry and English A Lit? English has always been my strong point, yet my friends tell me it's a bad idea to take English Lit, and barely anyone takes it because it's too difficult. Similar idea for IB Chem, especially since I kind of suck at dealing with chemical equations and stuff.


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
3 months ago

Heyy so firstly any IB Language B(2nd language) like latin,french,etc is always a bit challenging but if u can do well if you put in the work. Just note that you will be tested in reading comprehension, writing, listening and speaking(oral exam). I do advice you be a bit proficient as starting a fresh new lang in IB is NOT easy.

IB Chemistry is definitely not a filler subject. If you want to do goood then you must be willing to work. Based on your current stats i believe it would be a good fit for you. Just remember all your concepts and KEY POINTS will save you in exams. As for English its acc not hard for some ppl anyways. You will write lots of essays but with good structure skills and vocabularly itll be no problem.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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