Hi there! I am currently a rising sophomore set to graduate in the class of 2027. My dream is to study Sports Media/journalism at the University of Georgia (UGA); however my the score of my PSAT (taken in 9th grade/last year) wasn’t too great and my resume isn’t too great (so far) either (as I am transferring to a public school from a small private school that didn’t offer too many clubs or extracurriculars). Every year, the acceptance rate of my dream school is getting lower and lower; as demand to attend rapidly increases. As of now, I feel a bit cooked as i’ve gotten a’s and high b’s in all of my classes; except for algebra. Do y’all know of any ways I can improve my SAT/ACT scores, my application resume, or my math grades in the future? Thanks!
Ok, I understand that your past school didn't have many clubs and extracurriculars but, now that you are transferring to a different school try looking into what clubs they have. Whether you find just one or multiple clubs or extracurriculars you want to join, just having something outside of class (whether it is volunteering or even a gaming club) adds to your college resume. Since you want to study Sports Media/journalism you could start your own sports blog or join your school newspaper covering their sports teams.
When it comes to increasing your SAT/ACT scores, I recommend you use a mix of Khan Academy, and College Board supplementary SAT/ACT questions that you can find on BlueBook, and what helped me the most specifically with the SAT was the SAT Prep Black Book. The Black Book will teach you methods for approaching and handling certain questions and finding patterns, then using Khan Academy and BlueBook will help you practice using them. If a book isn't what you want, they have videos going over the skills they cover in the book online but, sorry to say, you will have to read something no matter what since it has been proven to work best to improve your reading/writing score on the SAT.
Last but not least when it comes to math grades, practice is key, whether it be looking up practice material online, asking your teacher for extra practice, or even going over past homework, the more you go over the subject or even a specific type of question, the better you will be. Now if you are still having a hard time understanding the material I would turn to YouTube, it's a great resource for all your math needs.
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