I’m currently in the process of writing a book that I plan to self-publish. I have two options: free Amazon or Barnes & Noble Press, which has a small cost but allows you to sell your book.
1. Do you know if using Barnes & Noble Press means my book will be sold in their stores if it’s a hardcover or paperback?
2. Which option do you think would look better for top 20 colleges? Which would they prefer?
Thank you for your help!
I doubt the colleges would care what self-publishing method you used, especially if you got a sizable amount of sales. Additionally, neither method requires exclusivity, so you could publish your book on both. If you sell a print book with B&N Press, then it can be sold in stores, but it wouldn't be carried on the shelves by default. It's worth noting that getting published by a reputable publisher would look better on a college application, however, because it shows that your book received some sort of acclaim.
- help-press.barnesandnoble.com/hc/en-us/articles/5358923827867-Selling-B-N-Press-Print-Books-in-Barnes-Noble-Stores
- launchmybook.com/the-most-popular-self-publishing-platforms-pros-cons/
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