2 months ago
Admissions Advice

Converting into nonprofit?

Hello everyone. I recently organized a bootcamp organization(?) with some people that offers free bootcamps to teach people introductory AI concepts such as CNNs, NNs, CV, LLMs, linear algebra in ML, and much more. We are currently running our first cohort in the summer with 200+ attendees and guest speakers from top CS universities. Me and my fellow instructors organized this and have spent numerous hours into this. We truly saw the steep learning curve in learning basic programming and then dipping into AI/ML and this is why we thought of organizing this summer bootcamp/cohort. We also plan to offer more in-depth bootcamps (eg: application of AI models in healthcare).

My question is should I make this into a nonprofit? I raise this question since I do not want to make this into a nonprofit for the sole purpose of college apps but rather reward and incentivize future staff. Is there any other way to put ourselves as an organization and give volunteer hours (potentially PVSA?) I've heard numerous times that making a nonprofit instead of joining one looks extremely bad and unprofessional on college apps.

Thank you!

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