2 months ago
Admissions Advice

Do AP classes make a big difference in applications?

Hi everyone, I’m a student from Canada looking to apply to schools in the US (All UC’s, T10/20’s, UH Manoa).

My school doesn’t offer any AP or honours classes. We have grade 12 science and math courses which my counsellor said are equal to first year university classes (not sure if that’s true). There is an online learning resource which I will be using to take additional classes on. I’ll show my schedule for this year and then the classes I plan on taking.

Grade 10 (this upcoming year)

-band 10

-career 10

-social studies 10

-fitness and conditioning 10

-science 10

-pre calc 10

-French 10

-English first peoples writing and new media 10

-physical geography 12 (online)

-science for citizens 11 (online)

Grade 11 (planned)

-English 11

-law studies 12

-pre calc 11

-French 11

-band 11

-career 12

-chem 11

-life sciences (bio) 11

-physics 11 (online)

-pre calc 12 (online)

Grade 12 (planned)

-English 12

-calc 12

-band 12

-French 12

-chem 12

-physics 12

-anatomy and physiology 12

-environmental sciences 12

-social justice 12 (online)

In grade 12 I may have the opportunity to take 2 classes at a local university. Do you think I’ll still be considered at these schools? I know college applications are more than grades, so I will do more extracurriculars and show change, in addition to writing impactful essays.


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 months ago

Colleges will consider APs in the context of what your school offers, so if your school doesn't offer very many or any APs, then it shouldn't look bad on you. Taking college classes is a great way to show colleges that you can handle high-level content and coursework and you should definitely take them should they fit in your time and interests. Assuming you have your grades under control, the best thing for you would be to pursue a passion in the form of extracurriculars, and look for a tangible set of accomplishments in that field.

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Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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