2 months ago
Admissions Advice

Should I put family responsibility after my father's death in us application?

My dad's demise occurred during my sophomore year. After that, it became incumbent on me to earn and look after my mom and sibling. I did tuition and an internship. It was a hectic time, but I tried my best to be resilient.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 months ago

Including your family responsibilities after your father's death can add significant depth to your college application.

How to Include It

Personal Statement:

Describe the impact of your father's death.

Explain how you balanced school, work, and family responsibilities.

Highlight personal growth and resilience.

Additional Information Section:

Provide specific details on the hours you worked and the roles you took on.

Mention any skills or lessons learned from these experiences.

Why Include It? tiny fishing

Shows Character: Demonstrates maturity and responsibility.

Adds Context: Helps explain any fluctuations in your academic performance.

Highlights Resilience: Shows you can handle challenging situations and still excel.

2 months ago

Yes, I think this really needs to go somewhere on your application. That sounds like it would really affect your high school journey. On most college applications, there is an Additional Information section where you would put an explanation.

Write something brief that states the facts of the situation. Something like this: "My father passed away during my sophomore year. After that, it was necessary for me to work and care for my mother and sibling. Despite the challenges, I (write something the highlights the positives, like maintaining high grades or balancing academics and responsibilities well.)

I hope this is helpful to you. Please lmk if you have any questions. I am sorry for your loss.

2 months ago

If I'm being honest I wouldn't. I would try and outline how that death impacted you without necessarily trauma dumping if that makes sense. Use it to highlight how you as a person have grown or what you have learned. The best thing I can tell you is to make it seem positive despite it being such a hardship in your life. I'm sorry for your loss as well.

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