2 months ago
Admissions Advice

Common App Essay Topics?


I'm going into my senior year which means writing my common app. One problem: I CAN'T PICK A TOPIC. Thus, I am here asking for opinions, are these too basic? Too boring?

1) Struggles with a chronic physical illness and how I pushed for a diagnosis and now live with / manage it while still finding workarounds for day to day life.

2) I read Parable of the Sower and this really stuck with me: “All that you touch You Change. All that you Change Changes you. The only lasting truth Is Change.” A quote from Octavia E. Butler, and within the essay describe how I apply it to daily life and see the reality of the quote.

3) 1 is not the loneliest number. It's 2. I know failure stories are over done, but is second failure? Is it success? Something in between?

4) I'm a collector. I save anything and everything for fear of the what ifs. I have a drawer full of sticker backs. A dozen unused candles, and don't get me started on the untouched watercolors. I get overly concerned with the future that I don't take time for myself in the present. How am I working to fix that? blah blah blah


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 months ago

These are great ideas! I like 4 the best out of these, because you mentioned specific examples that could be used for some cool metaphors to your development and colleges love that.

I believe 3 has been done before, or something similar (the letter S essay had so much influence).

2 is a really cool quote, but I've been advised to stay away from quotes because your essay should focus on what you have to say; however, if it's really important to you, do it!

As for 1, if you believe it's the best way to show your development, do that, but if it's not, I'd go for 4 :) You just have to show that you've already had a change in yourself and can become better moving forward.

2 months ago

Hi there!

Don't worry-it takes time to find the perfect essay topic :)

I personally cannot recommend a topic without knowing a little more about your career goals/what you want to major in. If you are really passionate about your major, it is a GREAT idea to connect that to your essay. EG, if you were going into a medical field, I would recommend #1 for sure; it would be very powerful. Or if it related to your future career in any way.

#2 is interesting. If you can make it personal, yet fascinating and academic, it could be a good option. I recommend sticking away from #3; it seems a bit abstract (tho maybe i just didn't understand it). #4 seems very honest and vulnerable, which could be powerful to normal readers, but it may be too raw for admissions officers.

Keep brainstorming! Here is a post of some tips I wrote a while ago you may find helpful: collegevine.com/c/junior/49537/make-your-essay-stand-out

The first tip is the most important thing to consider. I am also planning to a part 2 sometime soon so keep an eye out for that :)

Hope this helps and please lmk if you have any questions!

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