2 months ago
Admissions Advice

Am I doing Enough?

Hello all, I am entering my Junior year and would like to know if I’m doing enough to get into Ivies. Here’s my profile:

Grades/Test Scores/: 3.99 WGPA (~3.8 UWGPA), high 1500 SAT (haven’t yet taken but I am consistently scoring over 1550 on practice tests), 4 on AP CSP, 5 on AP World.

Regarding my GPA, it is being heavily dragged down by my freshman year, I wasn’t mature enough and ready enough to handle high school. Did I cook any chances of getting into the Ivies by getting a 3.75 WGPA freshman year if I get near all A’s the rest of the time?


Freshman year - 2 Honors 0 APs 5 Regular classes

Sophomore Year - 1 Honors 2 APs 4 Regular Classes

Junior Year - 1 Honors 3 APs 3 Regular classes

Senior Year - 3-4 APs, 2-3 Honors, 0-2 Regular classes (currently unclear)

My schedule next year is: English 11, Pre-Calculus, APUSH, APES, AP CSA, Accounting Fundamentals (Honors), Beginning Piano OR I may switch out for an Honors class and complete the fine arts requirement my senior year.


DECA (Freshman - Senior, 2x ICDC Qualifier (likely to be all 4 years though), 2024 International Finalist, my Chapter’s Head of Competitive Development and I have already been told that I will be President senior year)

Key Club (Sophomore-Senior, Junior year Leadership Member (eyeing President or VP senior year), 50+ volunteer hours)

Students Against Cancer (Sophomore - Senior, current leadership sucks so not many initiatives, hoping for the club’s sake I can get a senior year leadership spot)

Chess Club (Freshman Junior-Senior, Freshman year I finished Seventh in the state, will probably be Vice Captain or Captain)

Coding Club (Junior-Senior, teacher loves me so I might be in a leadership post senior year)

Clubs I may do: speech/debate, mock trial,

Part Time Job 1 (Sophomore October - Senior, averaging 6-10 hours a week)

Part Time Job 2 (Sophomore May - Senior, averaging 10-20 hours a week)

Upchieve Tutor (awarded the PVSA Bronze, I have over 150 hours tutoring low income kids online)

Intern for a US Senate Campaign this year

Planning on internship Junior summer

Am I doing enough to get into the Ivies, what should I do over the next year and a half to improve my odds.

Thanks so much for reading all this!


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1 answer

2 months ago

If your UW GPA is a 3.75, it'd be good to focus on getting that up. Everything else is great!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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