2 months ago
Admissions Advice

Need info for International admissions for under grad

Hi , I have the below questions can someone help me clarify ?

1) Does international student needs SAT score ?

2) Do we need to submit transcripts and if yes which grades do we need for student applying from India ?

3) Do we need to take any language proficiency test ?


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[🎤 AUTHOR]@Shalini.bazara month ago

Thank you for the response .. are you from SSC or CBSE ?

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1 answer

2 months ago

Hi, I am in the same boat as you are so I think I can help you out:

1) This depends on the place you wish to apply to. Some are test-optional so you will not need a SAT score but others will require you to submit a SAT score. Check with all the intended institutions you wish to apply to. You will however most likely have to show your proficiency in English through for example a TOEFL IBT, Duolingo Test etc. - personally I would go for a TOEFL IBT - in fact I just did mine today.

2) Your school will have to submit your transcript - usually through the common application or the coalition app. This will cover your entire high-school time.

3) see 1): yes, almost all colleges / universities will require it, waiver conditions will vary broadly from IB HL English with 4 or more points, medium of instruction being English etc. if you plan to apply to several places this might quickly become difficult - a commonly accepted test will make things easier. I have not found an institution on my list that will not accept a TOEFL IBT so I assume most if not all will accept that.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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