2 months ago
Admissions Advice

CLEP Resources?

Are there any CLEP books or study guides you can buy like you can for the AP tests? Specifically, College Algebra and Humanities.

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@anonymous2025a month ago

This isn’t what you asked but just an extra tip: If you complete modern states 75% of the way through (basically just do the practice questions), you can get a waiver to take the clep for free :)

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1 answer

2 months ago

CLEP College Algebra:

"CLEP College Algebra (CLEP Test Preparation)" by Stu Schwartz - This book offers comprehensive review material, practice questions, and test-taking strategies.

"CLEP Official Study Guide" by The College Board - This guide includes practice questions for all 34 CLEP exams, including College Algebra. It's a good starting point.

"CLEP College Algebra Exam Secrets Study Guide" by Mometrix - This guide covers key concepts and provides practice problems and test-taking tips.

CLEP Humanities:

"CLEP Humanities (CLEP Test Preparation)" by Jane Adas - This prep book includes detailed review chapters, practice tests, and strategies for tackling the Humanities exam.

"CLEP Official Study Guide" by The College Board - As mentioned above, this guide includes practice questions for all CLEP exams, including Humanities.

"CLEP Humanities Exam Secrets Study Guide" by Mometrix - This guide provides a review of important topics, practice questions, and strategies for the Humanities exam.

Additional Resources:

Online Courses and Practice Tests: Websites like Modern States offer free online courses for CLEP exams, including College Algebra and Humanities. They also provide practice tests to help you gauge your readiness.

Flashcards: Consider using flashcards for quick review and memorization. Mometrix offers CLEP flashcards that cover key concepts and terms.

Next Steps:

Choose Study Materials: Decide which of these resources you would like to purchase and start studying.

Create a Study Plan: Allocate time each day or week to study for each exam, focusing on different topics to ensure comprehensive preparation.

Practice Tests: Take practice tests under timed conditions to get a feel for the exam format and identify areas where you need improvement.

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