4 years ago
Admissions Advice

How to quickly boost my SAT score?

I am writing my SAT in October, and am currently at 680 for EBRW and 750 for Maths. I'm trying to get to 740 for the EBRW and 780 for maths. So far, I have been using Khan Academy and practice tests. How can I quickly boost these scores?


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4 answers

4 years ago

Hi! I'd suggest you read the black book; It really tells you how you should treat the SAT test and how they try to trick students. If you really understand how the test is designed then it would be easier for you to answer quickly and correctly. I tried your same method of practicing daily with khan academy but it didn't show any results, so I really suggest you go through that book -which by the way also provides walkthroughs-and practice with the official college board sats available online. Let me know if you can't afford the book; my email: lmalihmaria2003@gmail.com. Best of luck with your application;)

4 years ago[edited]


4 years ago

Hi, just want to say that Mike Barrett's SAT Prep Black Book, 2nd Edition is a major help, or his video course here: https://courses.testingiseasy.com/p/sat-course

He teaches you about helpful strategies, but to sum up his reading strategy, it is that there is no need for interpretation. 100% of the time, the answer is "restated or demonstrated" by the passage they gave you. So if they ask what one author would think about something, the correct answer will have an idea that the author ACTUALLY WROTE on the page. This strategy eliminates the need for you to have to make "inferences" and takes away a lot of the opportunities to make mistakes. Mike Barrett has a FREE SAT intro and essay prep course, if you dig around.

Hope this is helpful!

4 years ago

Always look for the most straightforward answer for the reading part. It's usually the most straighforward one the correct option. For math, try to use more reliable techniques like substitution options and back solving questions.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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