2 months ago
Admissions Advice

Scholarship Eligibility for Visa Holders

Hey everyone, I'm a rising senior and a dependent of an H1 visa holder (i.e. I have an H4 visa). We filled out the permanent residency application nearly 10 years ago, but it's still being processed (haha...). I live in California, and because my parents pay taxes and I've lived in California for the past 5 years, I'm eligible for in-state tuition at UCs.

My question was more along the lines of the eligibility for certain scholarships, most specifically the NMSQT for the PSAT. I received a really good score on the PSAT, so I want to pursue the accompanying scholarship, but the requirements on their page are a bit vague.

First off, would I be classified as someone who is applying from the US or outside of the US? Moreover, if I were to be from the US, the NMSQT website states that the applicant must "attend high school in the United States". I'm just wondering what I should do next, and if I qualify for his scholarship or not. I took the PSAT in a US public high school, I've been a California resident for the past 5 years.

Moreover, in general, what kind of scholarships can I target, and what kind of scholarships am I eligible for?

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Accepted Answer
2 months ago

NMSQT Eligibility for H4 Visa Holders

Classification: Since you attend high school in the United States and have been a resident of California for the past 5 years, you would be classified as someone applying from the US. The key criteria here is attending high school in the US, which you do.

Eligibility: Given that you took the PSAT in a US public high school and meet the residency requirements, you should be eligible for the National Merit Scholarship. However, there can be nuances based on citizenship status. Generally, if you are a US lawful permanent resident (which is still processing in your case), you might need to check directly with National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) for specifics on your H4 visa status.

Next Steps

Confirm with NMSC: It's a good idea to contact NMSC directly to confirm your eligibility. Provide them with details about your visa status, residency, and high school attendance.

Explore Other Scholarships: Besides the NMSQT, there are many scholarships available for students in your situation. Some scholarships do not have citizenship requirements and are open to residents regardless of their visa status.

Types of Scholarships to Target

Merit-Based Scholarships: These are awarded based on academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, leadership, and other talents. Many institutions and private organizations offer these.

Need-Based Scholarships: These are based on financial need. Some scholarships consider the financial circumstances of international students or those on specific visas.

Private and Community Scholarships: Look for local community organizations, businesses, and private foundations that offer scholarships. Sometimes these have more flexible eligibility requirements.

University-Specific Scholarships: Many universities have scholarships specifically for international or non-citizen students. Check with the financial aid offices of the universities you're interested in.

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