2 months ago
Admissions Advice

Am I competitive enough?

Hello everyone! I am entering my senior year and would like to know what kinds of schools I should be applying to. Here’s my profile:

Grades/Test Scores: 5.007/5.0 WGPA (not sure exactly what this would be unweighted, but I believe it is a 4.0), 1520 SAT (will probably raise score by 20-30 points next time I take it), 5 on AP Bio, 5 on AP Lang, 5 on AP Calculus BC


Freshman year - 3 Honors 0 APs 2 Regular classes

Sophomore Year - 4 Honors 0 APs 1 Regular Classes

Junior Year - 1 Honors 3 APs 1 Regular classes

Senior Year (planned) - 4 APs, 1 Honors, 0 Regular classes (currently unclear)

I should note we don't have too many APs at our school and can't start taking them until our junior year. Also, in my rigor, I haven't included elective classes or classes like gym and health (I have only included the 5 core classes)


Speech and Debate (Freshman - Senior, 3x State Debate Qualifier (likely to be all 4 years though), 2024 State Debate Finalist, 2x National Qualifier, have held a minor leadership role in my junior year of Tournament Director, and will be Debate Captain next year)

Internship at a Research Lab in a Medical School (junior-senior, year-long, have shadowed other lab technicians, and am conducting my own independent project with hopes of publishing and am the only high school intern in the lab)

Part-Time Job At Kumon (sophomore-senior, work 5-10 hrs/week instructing young children in math and reading, greeting and discussing progress with parents)

Internship at a University Research Lab (sophomore summer, learned basic laboratory techniques and was able to conduct another independent project)

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (Sophomore-Senior, as a sophomore, was actively part of a student-led team and collectively, we fundraised $16,000 in the 7 week student visionaries of the year campaign, as a junior, joined our school club and spread awareness about blood cancer in our community through outreach projects + volunteered at hospitals, as a senior, will be a Candidate and lead my own team in the fundraising challenge)

Biobuilders (junior-senior year, with the help of a team, found ways to genetically modify a substance to produce an alternative to industrial fertilizer, published a paper on this on a journal, and presented our findings at a symposium at MIT)

Mentor Program (junior-senior year, as upperclassmen, we facilitate the transition from middle to high school for freshman, I am now on the advisory board and help manage and direct the 150+ other upperclassmen)

Founder & President of a bio-based club at my school with around 20 members

Local Religious Society (hold the position of Member at Large and have spearheaded/contributed to multiple initiatives within it and have organized numerous cultural events)

Varsity Track (2x State Qualifier (likely to be 3 next year), have gotten numerous medals for performances at league and district level, will be captain next year)

Varsity Soccer (high school advanced to the state playoffs last year and were both league and district runner-ups, have spent a lot of time doing this sport)

Academic Honors (that I haven't mentioned yet):

AP Scholar

Membership in Numerous Honor Societies

Seal of Biliteracy with Distinction in Home Language

National Merit Commended Student (most likely)

I'm not planning on putting all of these extracurriculars on the Common app. Which ones do you think are the most important to include? Also, where should I realistically aim for? Am I cooked?

Dream School: Cornell/MIT w/ major in biology probably

Thanks so much for reading all this!

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2 months ago

If you don't get into an Ivy/T10, it's bad luck.


a month ago

The GPA is crazy high...wow!


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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