2 months ago
Admissions Advice

Changing from IGCSE to the american curriculum

I just finished my IGCSE exams in June and have some problems with my transcript. We just moved to the US and all the hard work I put into my IGCSE is not being considered. My new high school is placing me in 12th grade and I am only 16 years old and saying all my classes are level classes. This lowers my GPA a lot. I took English, Math, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Business Studies and Computer Science and got 7, 8, 9 results. Can these results be changed to honors or AP standards? What should I do?

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1 answer

2 months ago[edited]

IGCSEs are not considered to be Honors or AP-level; the International equivalents to these are IB and A-level classes. However, your 7s, 8s, and 9s are still good grades. These would roughly equate to B+/A-, A, and A+ grades; check with your original exam board or old school if they could provide you with some documents that verify this so that your current school can at least consider giving you some credit.

Don't worry too much about this affecting your college admissions just make sure that you explain the school change and problems with placement and your qualifications in the additional information section of the common app. Talking to your school counselor so they can also confirm this to the colleges you apply to can really help. Getting a high test score on the SAT or ACT could also be a really good help; this would show that given a chance, you can succeed; the content of these is of IGCSE level English and Math, so with some prep, you should be able to manage.

I hope this helps. Best of luck!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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