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4 months ago
Admissions Advice

What should I put for my intended major for a Top University?

My school offers an engineering academy and I am apart of it. I intend to complete the academy, but I want to major in finance when I’m in college. I don’t have any extracurriculars or classes related to finance. Should I put intended major as engineering where I have background for it and switch to finance when I get accepted? I feel like if I put my intended major as finance I won’t have a good chance of getting into a T20 compared to engineering.

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2 answers

3 months ago

Generally, it is extremely hard to switch in or out of an engineering major. If you are comfortable with the chance of having to commit to an engineering degree, then do that. If not, consider being a finance major and make sure to use your essays to connect your current extracurriculars to how you can thrive in finance. For example, I imagine being in the engineering academy requires strong math and analytical skills, those are relevant to finance too.

4 months ago

Since you have a strong background in engineering through your academy, it might be beneficial to apply as an engineering major. This could increase your chances of getting into a top university, especially if your application showcases your achievements and experiences in this field. Additionally, many universities allow students to switch majors after they are admitted. You can start with engineering and then transition to finance once you’re on campus. This way, you can leverage your engineering background to gain admission and then pursue your true passion.

Even though you don’t have formal classes or extracurriculars in finance, you can still demonstrate your interest. Consider mentioning any self-study, online courses, or personal projects related to finance in your application. This shows your genuine interest and willingness to learn.

It might be helpful to talk to your school counselors or advisors. They can provide insights based on their experience with past students and help you make an informed decision.

Ultimately, the decision is yours, but applying as an engineering major and then switching to finance could be a practical approach. Good luck with your application! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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