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5 months ago
Admissions Advice

How many classes do schools such as UCI and UCSD expect students to take per year?

I'm going into senior year and I've seen some stats videos of people that get into top universities that only take around 5-6 classes per year (most or all are APs, granted). My school is different from these types of schools as we have 8 credits (classes) available to take each semester. I know I'm going to take 5 APs and TA a class next year (6 credits), but I don't want to take regular, non-useful/non-weighted classes alongside them. Will colleges such as UCI and UCSD downgrade my admission for not filling the 7-8 credits that's normal for my school?

FYI, if I don't fill a credit spot I am given a study hall instead but it isn't shown on my transcript anywhere.


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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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