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5 months ago
Admissions Advice

Can I write my college essay about my religious conversion?

Hi everyone, I heard a mix of things when it comes to this option. For context, I am a Latino, and we come from a predominantly Christian/Catholic backgrounds. Despite this, I identified as agnostic but converted to Islam around the end of my junior year. I obviously don't want to word it the wrong way, my goal isn't to preach the religion or sound pretentious against other religions, but explain how my conversion defined who I am, etc. Is this fine, or is it still a gamble regardless?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 months ago

I have seen some impressive accepted essays on religion online, but I will say that it is very important to be cautious. Remember not to criticise or advertise any particular religion, but talk about yourself, and how the religion you accepted impacted you positively through your own actions when you followed it. Make sure to get multiple perspectives on your final essay to make sure it isn't controversial. Also, the universities you submit this essay to must not be affiliated with any particular religion specifically.

5 months ago

I think this will definitely stand out if you do it properly.

Meaning, without trying to convince others to be agnostic or talking badly about other religions (which you don't intend to do).

If it connects to your growth, it would be a good idea, just try to show multiple ways it helped you grow (if that makes sense)

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