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4 months ago
Admissions Advice

How can I get awards with only a year left

I am in my junior year and I've realized I have next to no awards. I am the president and founder of Model UN at my school, and I made the Rec all-star baseball team but that is just about it. What are some awards I can get within the next year, before I apply to college? It's worth noting that my school doesn't give awards of any kind and we don't have AP or Honors classes.

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Accepted Answer
4 months ago

Let me know if you figure this out. I'm currently looking for some national competitions and whatnot, but here are some awards that you could probably get with enough focus.

- PVSA (presidential volunteer service award, you need 200 hours for the gold medal I think)

- Congressional Service Award (depends on which rank you want to get, but since you're a junior, the highest rank you can get is the silver medal, and you'd better apply now. you need around 100 hours each for volunteering, exercise, and personal growth for a final of 300 hours).

- Join a competition. Try doing well in Model UN and do well in basketball.

- National Merit Finalist (If your school doesn't offer the PSAT, you can email the alternate entry PSAT thingy and get your SAT score entered in as the PSAT score. I'm not entirely sure how this works because I'm doing it myself, but from what I've heard, you need a 1530+ SAT score to get this and you get a scholarship off of it.)

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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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