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4 months ago
Admissions Advice

PSAT prep materials?

Does anybody know of reliable PSAT test prep for this year? Thank you!


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1 answer

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4 months ago

I recommend starting with Khan Academy's free course after taking an official practice test to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. Use the course and then go and use the questions provided on the Collegeboard Question Bank (these will be the most accurate to the possible test questions.)

Also, I used Strategic Test Prep's Youtube videos and their workbooks, which are $25 pdfs. Sometimes they give you one free if you sign up for the email list! Very helpful books...compiles practice questions in categories so you can look at your score report later and see the weak areas, then focus on those. Also, Method Learning on Youtube has AMAZING videos for Desmos calculator. That calculator is a powerful tool if you know how to use it. Also, get really familiar with the Bluebook app…there’s a lot of perks like options to cross off answers, highlight/annotate, and flag questions to check again.

I got a 730 ERW and a 630 math on the PSAT. The PSAT/NMSQT is really worth studying for due to National Merit. Study for the PSAT with SAT material. If you study well, it can be wise to take the SAT shortly after because everything is still fresh in your brain. I took both tests around the same time and only varied by 40 points. The sooner you start taking the SAT, the better, especially if you need a high score. Collegeboard keeps changing different types of questions on the SAT, so I have had to stop and take several breaks because it can be so frustrating and time consuming. So that’s why I advise starting this fall rather than next spring. You need time to evaluate weaknesses and “bulk up”. A lot of students wait to cram the week before, but this is not smart or helpful. The earlier you start studying, the better. Give yourself 4-6 weeks to prep at least before PSAT or SAT.

Hope this helps and lmk if you have any questions.

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