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4 months ago
Admissions Advice

sat advice!

Hey everyone! I need some advice on the SAT! I'm a high school junior and my SAT goal is to get around a 1300 or 1400! I think I'm on the right track with the English portion but struggle with the Math. Are there any websites that you guys could recommend?

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3 answers

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4 months ago

I recommend starting with Khan Academy's free course. I practice 10-20 minutes for a single month and saw a 200+ score improvement! Use the course and then go and use the questions provided on the Collegeboard Question Bank (these will be the most accurate to the possible test questions.)

Also, I used Strategic Test Prep's Youtube videos and their workbooks, which are $25 pdfs. Sometimes they give you one free if you sign up for the email list! Very helpful books...compiles practice questions in categories so you can look at your score report and see the weak areas, then focus on those. Also, Method Learning on Youtube has AMAZING videos for Desmos calculator. That calculator is a powerful tool if you know how to use it.

My highest ERW is 730. My math score (in March) was 660 after a 590 in October.

Hope this helps and lmk if you have any questions.

4 months ago

Khan Academy is great for SAT study prep. I have personally used it and it is was very helpful. I hope this helps you reach your goal.

3 months ago

Hi! I scored a 1550 on my SAT (790 Math, 760 English) and I think the best way to go about is work smarter not harder. The SAT is actually super easy in terms of content, its the pressure and time constraints that trouble us. So basically, if you master 2 things, you will definitely get a high score: time management and mastering the syllabus. I work better with practice than books, so I used youtube channels such as Hayden Rhodea, John Jung and Instagram channels such has KatyaSAT and YourSATCoach. They helped me master the hardest possible questions I could get. Secondly, practice, practice, practice. Develop a strategy (I would try and answer all the easy, shorter questions first as soon as possible, and then spend time on the difficult or wordy questions)

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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