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4 months ago
Admissions Advice

Applying... HELP!

I want to apply to a lot of schools. Originally my list had about 10 schools but then my mom told me to apply to a bunch of Catholic Schhols (I'm Catholic). I don't mind applying to a lot of schools since half of them are Catholic and they don't charge App Fees however, my list went up to 21 schools. I'm applying Early Action for every school that has it and I have already applied to 6 schools. For all 21 schools, the total I would have to pay in app fees is around 300$. Do I apply to all 21 or do I apply to some?

(The first college I applied to, accepted me and it's one of my Top 3)

Apply to all 21, what's it gonna hurt?
Apply to a few with app fees, and some without.
Only apply to the original 10
Apply only to your top 3 since you already got accepted to 1
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4 months ago

21 is a lot. I don't recommend applying to that many unless you can use the same exact application. For example, i am applying to 3 schools, 1 which I prefer and will 99% probably attend. But I considered throwing in a few more competitive schools just for the fun of seeing if I get in or not. However, for most schools this is a waste of my time because they require additional materials the other 3 schools did not. It's better for me to focus on the applications that matter.

Hope this helps and lmk if you have any questions!


4 months ago

Hey! I'd say having your options is a great thing, but 21 schools is a bit much. Applying for your top 5-10 is a good way of touching all of your bases, and allows you to put your application out there for schools to see. You already have one school that has accepted you (congratulations!), but having those options can allow sokme fall-back room. Hope this helps!


4 months ago

If you already got 1 of your top 3 choices, why not just apply to your top 2 choices for extra?


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University




+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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