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4 months ago
Admissions Advice

Study Computer science UT Austin


I recently transferred to an American high school in my hometown in Switzerland after spending my entire academic life in the Swiss system. My grades there were fairly average, and I’m not sure how they will translate to the U.S. system.

My goal is to study Computer Science at UT Austin, as I’ve been passionate about computers and game development for years. I’ve been involved in creating Roblox games for about five years now, contributing to several that have over a million visits.

I haven’t taken the SAT yet, but I plan to in the coming months. This year, I enrolled in four AP courses: AP Physics, AP French, AP Computer Science Principles, and AP Human Geography. Next year, I aim to take four more AP classes. Additionally, I’m currently working through Harvard’s CS50x Introduction to Computer Science course, and I plan to follow it up with the CS50x AI course.

Since UT Austin is one of my dream schools and my family lives nearby, I’m highly motivated to strengthen my application. I would appreciate any advice on how to boost my chances of getting accepted, particularly in building a strong computer science resume. I’m in the early stages of 11th grade, so I have time to improve and showcase my skills.

Thank you!


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1 answer

4 months ago

Hi there! You're on the right track with taking AP classes and the course at Harvard, as these courses will help you stand out academically. Your going to want to work on building up your extracurricular profile with activities like sports, student government, volunteering, and any other after-school activities, as this will help you stand out among other applicants. I also recommend trying to keep your grades at mostly A's, because that's what helps you see the best increases in GPA. As far as figuring out how your academics in Switzerland transfer to the U.S. system, the best I can think of is to talk with your guidance counselor or maybe see if there's a website that tells you how that works. My advice on boosting your computer science resume would be to look into advanced courses at your school that deal with computer science and also seeing if there are any other online courses that you could take as well. Also, I think your achievements in game development are really cool and I'm sure UT Austin will too!

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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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