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4 months ago
Admissions Advice

How do I get into my dream college if I slacked off for 2 years of high-school ?

I never really wanted to go to college I never really thought about it till now but now that I am a junior in high-school I need to figure something out I have maintained a 3.8 GPA and good grade but I haven't done anything extracurricular and I haven't done anything to stand out in anyway. Can I cram all 4 years of extracurriculars into 2 years?

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1 answer

4 months ago[edited]

That's quite an interesting question. 4 years of extracurricular in two years is quite hard to do but you could try to do online college classes for extracurriculars since at some high schools, college credits count towards double high school credits. There also is the fact that in some high schools, for every sport done, the sport counts towards an extracurricular credit, so you can possibly do two sports a year. Also, be sure to ask your counselor since they have the best information to help you. I hope this helps.

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