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4 months ago
Admissions Advice

How to Gain More Extracurriculars as a Junior Pursuing in the Medical Field

I'm a junior in high school, pursuing in the medical field, and I am lacking in extracurriculars. My extracurriculars consist of:

- founder and president of a HOSA chapter at my high school

- on the school badminton team since 9th grade

- on the school tennis team since junior year

- member of NHS for one year

- member of sports medicine club for two years

- member of red cross club for one year

- member of medical club for two years

- member of biology club for one year

- member of pinoy pamilia club (filipino club) for two years

- member of interact club for one year

- Chinese school graduation award (not sure this counts as an extracurricular)

- around 25 volunteer hours (it is a work in progress)

As you can see, I am involved with my school but I do not have any prestigious awards, internships, experiences in medicine, or many volunteer hours.

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4 months ago

So speaking for your ecs, you have a lot of them. Now the goal is to get leadership roles and deeper roles in these clubs and sports. You may have to abandon certain clubs to focus deeply on other ones, but this isn't always the case.

If you want internships, try looking up doctors or other people whose career to shadow and send cold emails to them until someone replies.

As for volunteer hours, I don't think you need a really big number of hours, but you can look into the community service opportunities that NHS and interact club have, and also look for peer tutoring or teaching aide opportunities. Maybe even check out a local church, organization, etc!!

Lastly, awards. These will not make or break your application, but they are a good boost for you. Since you're in HOSA, try going to one of the HOSA competitions (like SLC) and see what happens there. Also, things like membership in honors societies, AP awards, and National Merit also qualify as awards. I didn't get some of these until senior year, so be patient. Also, depending on when you graduated Chinese school (within 9-12 grade, unless you still maintain a good standing in this), that can also be an extracurricular.

hope this helps!

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