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4 months ago
Admissions Advice

Is 4 AP classes a lot as a sophomore?

This school year, I am abo


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1 answer

4 months ago

Hey there @pythagorean!

Firstly, congratulations on your scores for APUSH and Stat! Not many freshman take any AP classes, much less two of them, so amazing work!

At my school, sophomore year is the first year when students can take AP classes, and even then, they are only allowed to take one. This year, as a junior, I am taking three AP classes, one as an independent study, and I have found the workload to be manageable. (I am also taking two honors classes, an elective, and a language.) I don't think the jump from two APs to four is that extreme, however, you seem to be taking a pretty STEM-heavy course load. If you've already taken precalc of some kind, AP Calc is definetly a good choice. If you haven't, I would suggest taking precalc or another year of honors/standard math before taking calc. If you've already taken bio, AP Bio makes sense, however, it's important to keep in mind that many colleges prefer applicants who take bio, chem, and physics, so make sure you take those classes at some point in high school.

If you think you can handle four AP classes this year, by all means, take them. But keep in mind that many colleges require certain math, science, and history classes that you may not be able to take if you fill your schedule with too many APs.

Good luck!

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