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4 months ago
Admissions Advice

Hi! I'm a high school senior who's aiming high at top 25 colleges. I need help deciding how to go about writing my essay

I am in the top 2% of my class, president of the African student union, second chair violist in varsity orchestra, girl scout, and NHS member. I'm also currently interning at Yale University. I left my first peer review on here yesterday and my reviewer left some comments that hurt me. I tried to take them in stride since I already knew my essay wasn't perfect, but since it was suggested that I restart my essay with a new topic I feel as though I've lost my footing. Could I get some suggestions on how to go about rewriting my essay? I don't know if I should hire a coach, sign up for a boot camp, or use free resources. My parents are new to this process and so am I, so I'd really love some feedback. Thank you so much for the help!

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
4 months ago

Definitely take the advice you get on here from the peer review with a grain of salt—the people who review you are also high schoolers, literally anyone can make an account and review essays. However, if they left a genuine reason for changing the topic, I would definitely try to think about their reasoning. Not everyone, not even ever admissions officer will like your topic, and that's fine, so if you feel confident with your topic, stick to it and refine it a little, or even try the peer review here again to see if you get different advice.

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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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