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4 months ago
Admissions Advice

Seeking Advice on College Applications for Engineering Physics

hey there, I am a senior this year. My intended major is Engineering Physics, which is not a very common field. As an international student(Ethiopian), one of my primary concerns is finding universities that offer generous financial aid. I have been focusing on schools that not only provide this aid but also have strong programs in Engineering Physics. However, I’ve faced difficulties in finding more than a handful.I am considering applying to Cornell University as my sole Ivy League choice, given that I will be applying test-optional. However, I am concerned about the limited number of universities that fit my criteria.

Could you advise me on the following:

1,Should I reconsider my major to something more popular, like Physics, if it increases my chances of admission and financial aid?

2,If I apply early action to the schools I have found and do not receive favorable decisions, would it be feasible to change my intended major to Physics on the Common App later on?

Thank you in advance!

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@Brookemyluv4 months ago

I'm not sure how to answer. An alternate route though is to major in Physics and minor in Engineering

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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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