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4 months ago
Admissions Advice

Should I sacrifice a high GPA for a more prestigious high school?

I have a great GPA right now, but I go to a pretty average school. I live close to one of the best charter schools in the nation (Blue Ribbon school, has been ranked #1 on the Jay Mathews Challenge Index previously, and many more accomplishments), and I could try to get in there to improve my chances at going to better colleges. The issue is, it's incredibly competitive and the work is extremely difficult. The average GPA there is around a 4.15, and I'm not sure I could keep up with that. I could stay at the regular high school I go to now and maintain my high ranking here, or I could be a pretty average student at one of the top charter schools in the nation. Which option would colleges find more impressive?

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4 months ago

I would stay in the regular highschool, take as much as they can offer, and be in the top of your class, top colleges accept people based on what the highschool offers. So I would say you should stay at your school and be top of your class

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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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