10 hours ago
Admissions Advice

help with extensions

Just as you read in the title I need help with extensions, what type of extensions? I'm sure you will be wondering, well my girlfriend and I will celebrate our first anniversary and among all the gifts that I will give her, I want to give her individual eyelash extensions as one of the gifts since she loves this type of extensions so I know she will be fascinated. the gift but the problem is that I have no idea where to buy them, could anyone here recommend somewhere? thank you

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@Katalina_2 hours ago

It's a great idea to give a girl a gift of personalized eyelash extensions! It can be a very nice and memorable gift. Most cities have beauty salons that offer eyelash extensions. You can search for such salons in your neighborhood online or on Google maps. It is advisable to pay attention to customer reviews to choose a place with a good reputation.

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7 hours ago

I don't see how this is academic related but,

You could probably go to the mall and visit Ulta or Sephora. I think they'd sell those there, plus the employees could help you further.

Hope this helps.

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