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2 months ago
Admissions Advice

EFC 15K USD/year, International Student

I am an international student and I really want to attend US colleges. If I get a full ride/100% scholarship, is 15k USD/year enough to cover?

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1 answer

2 months ago

I think as a rule of thumb you can calculate as follows:

Full tuition cover: 0 US$

Housing: 6-8,000 US$ p.a.

Meals: 6-8,000 US$ p.a.

Medical Insurance (dont forget about that) 3-4,000 US$ p.a.

Books and other expenditures: 2-3,000 US$ p.a.

Means you are looking at somewhere between 17 - 23,000 US$ p.a.

And dont forget your flight home! Housing and meals wont include the summer break if not mistaken. This means you might even have to pay storage for your stuff. For a more individual costing you can check the college's website. They normally offer estimates.

In a nutshell: 15,000 US$ can be sufficient if you are frugal but you might be stretching it unless your scholarship includes additional benefits on the items above. For colleges that cover not just tuition but also meals, boarding and maybe even medical you should be fine.

I recommend that you try to use their calculators to get at least a feeling of the expected costs even though they are not geared at international applicants.

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