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2 months ago
Admissions Advice

What do colleges look for when it comes down to essays, resume, and letter of recommendation?

I am beginning to start my essay and I want to know how i should do my essay, and will this help me get in if its really good.

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2 answers

2 months ago

Hi!! It depends on the college, if you search up "[College] Common Data Set" you can find all the info on what they rank in an application, from "Very Important," "Important," Considered," and "Not Considered." For example, most colleges rank GPA very high. As a general rule of thumb, the order is:

1. GPA (rigor and success in classes)

2. Essays (and, by extension, most important activities)

3. LORs

4. Test Scores

5. Less important activites

6. Everything else (AP/IB Scores, etc al.)

Hope this helps!

2 months ago

Different colleges/unis have different expectations. Although it is the same base, depending on what you want to major in, if your school is religion-based, or a trade school, you would customize your essay to appeal (honestly) to that particular school. If you want to be an engineer, say why and what you have done so far to help speed up the process. Did you take extracurriculars/clubs based on your major? If you want to attend a d1 school, state why and give your sports stats and grades. There is a lot that factors into your essays, and make sure you get recommendations based on your choice. If you want to be an artist, get proof that one (or more if possible) of your art teacher/mentor thinks you could flourish in that environment. It all adds up, so really consider what you focus on.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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