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2 months ago
Admissions Advice

schools to apply to?

heyyy im a highschool senior applying to colleges right now and i feel very stressed out. i am an above average student, but feel very very below average among my classmates.

i have a 4.3W gpa, 1320 sat, 29 act, wayyyy to many ECs, 100+ cc hours, ib program, multiple sports, and leadership positions in like 5 clubs. i also think my essay is really good and supps are a little above mid + good LORs. (also im female & af american if that adds anything)

are there any good schools (like t80+) that i should add to my list? i want to apply to a psychology major. if they have a criminal justice/psych COMBINED major (not double) then id love that too. below is my current list (college vine chancing says some reaches are targets and auburn is a target too but i just went off of us news rankings and avg scores and stuff) im also open to ea and rd, no rea or ed.

thanks in advance!!


1. yale

2. cornell (might apply idk)

3. northeastern (really like the criminal justice/psych combined major)

4. uva

5. nyu

6. bu

7. bc


8. uf (instate)

9. fsu (instate)

10. clemson

safety (i think)-

11. auburn

12. ucf (instate)

13. uconn

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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