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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

Withdrawing apps after ED acceptance?

Ok, I have a question and want to see what people's thoughts are. A few of my friends applied ED to some top schools and got accepted. I'm beyond happy for them! Luckily I don't feel jealous since I didn't apply to any of the schools they did. But after today I feel a little conflicted.

This afternoon in one of our classes everyone got into a huge debate. One of my friends hasn't withdrawn any of their apps because they're curious where else they might get in "just for fun." This made A LOT of people upset. Everyone said they should withdraw their apps because they're hurting the chances of people who might actually go to those schools. Is this true?

If it matters my other friend withdrew all their apps after they got accepted ED because they heard it might hurt other people's chances if they didn't and they have other friends applying to those schools. So does anyone know if it actually matters? It makes sense it might but I've never heard of this before and was curious what everyone else thinks.

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5 answers

Accepted Answer
5 years ago

it ABSOLUTELY MATTERS. they are taking spots that should be going to students that can actually attend that school. This is so, so rude of them to do.

5 years ago

This is absolutely true. People who do not withdraw their RD apps for 'fun' end up taking someone else's spot; someone who is qualified does not get that spot.

2 years ago

It wouldn’t technically matter if she withdrew her applications or not, because anybody who would’ve been accepted in her place would just be waitlisted. Then when she says she doesn’t want to go to that school, they will get her spot.

3 years ago

I had a question. What if I do get into the ED I applied to accept that offer and not withdraw my application from other universities. Because my ED university is not my first option, it is my parents' first choice, mine is Standford. Would my ED university find out if I don't withdraw from other places?

5 years ago

It both matters because your friend is absolutely taking spots from people who applied RD to those schools, but also because, if their ED school finds out that they didn't withdraw their other apps (these schools talk to each other and share lists of ED admits), that could be grounds for rescinding their offer.

Now they'd probably just get a warning first, but there's no reason to risk it.

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