5 days ago
Admissions Advice

Partially through a college application with BYU Provo, thoughts?

There's about 6-8 essays total, I've done 4.

1 is about what you lose track of time doing, I wrote about how I'm creative with my hands with things such as welding and leatherwork.

2 is about a significant need you have met, I wrote about my father being diagnosed with cancer during COVID, what we all had to do, what I've learned, things like that.

3 is a brief description of a time my efforts fell short, I explained how last year I wasn't doing so great in Calculus.

4 is a continuation of 3, asking about how I overcame/bounced back from this failure. Talked about how I focused up at the end of the year and passed the AP test, as well as got A's every quarter. What I learned from it, etc.

Cliche? Different topics maybe? I still have to write 5 (tell us your story) and 6 (why I want to be in a school that is spiritually strengthening), so if you have any general tips on 5 especially I'd love that.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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