4 days ago
Admissions Advice

AP Stats and AP Calc AB Scheduling

So I want to major in Psychology (double major in smth else, but that's not relevant), and I know Stats is super important for that. So next year (11th/Junior) I can take either AP Calc AB, which is the more traditional path at my school, or AP Stats, which a lot of people also do but kind of puts me behind some of my other classmates who might take Calc first. I don't want to take both during the same year. Would it be better to do Stats so that I can put the AP test score on my application, or Calc to follow the traditional path for honors Math students at my school along with other reasons I can't remember right now lol, it's late.

Thank you so much!!!


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1 answer

4 days ago

i think it depends greatly on what college you're going to, if you've figured that out yet. if your college likes to see genuine interest in your major & if your school doesn't penalize you for not taking a traditional math honors path, go with ap statistics. if your college wants to see an impressive application with course rigor & if you receive any rewards for completing honors math, go with ap calc ab.

personally i'd choose ap stats, it's the WAY easier ap class to take and if it doesn't look impressive then at least it shows interest in your major!! i think colleges take interest in seeing you've taken classes according to your desired major, but again i think that depends on what college you want to go to 🤷‍♀️

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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