3 days ago
Admissions Advice

Graduate on time for my age

Hi. I’d like to ask a genuine question, When I “finished” high school last year, I was awarded a Certificate of Completion not a high school diploma because I failed in multiple subjects mostly mathematics and I also have an IEP (I’m autistic) and only took one class in the spring semester of this year (and paid $150 for it with my own money) so I’m studying to get my full diploma hopefully by next spring, 2025. The biggest concern and struggles I have is my age compared to other students. Since I didn’t graduate with a full diploma I had to go back to my charter school to finish it and I’m 19 now, and I’m supposed to graduate from a four year institution by 2027. And I feel kind of ashamed for it because I’m 20 years old graduating with a full diploma when I was supposed to at 18. So my question is, Is it possible to accomplish my goal to graduate Community College in 2026 and transfer university and graduate in 2027. My major of choice is Fine Arts, and my charter school doesn’t offer AP exams so I want to take duel enrollment classes in community college. So ultimately, can I perhaps reach my goal and get my Bachelor’s in 2027? And will it be possible. I know it’s a very weird and awkward question to say, but it feels extremely awkward and embarrassing being older than everyone else, especially knowing that I’ll be graduating late, and I don’t like the thought of that and I hope it doesn’t happen when I start college full time, so if you have any suggestions or advice please let me know!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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