3 days ago
Admissions Advice

How would these grades affect me?

Hi! i'm scared with how my grades look . . . I'm not a senior, but I still want to know if I'm screwed, as I want to get into an Ivy League school (I don't know if this is chancing, but I'm sorry if it is)!

Honors Algebra II: 98

AP Human Geography: 98

AP Spanish IV: 91 (Yeowch)

Honors Humanities: 98

Honors Computer Science: 98

On-level Orchestra: 99

Honors Chemistry: 99

Honors Health Science: 99


@Brookemyluv3 days ago

I’m not sure how the grading works, is this like, marks out of 100?

[🎤 AUTHOR]@Anxious4Highschool3 days ago

Yes! For example, My chemistry grade is a 99/100. On level is worth 4.0, honors ids for 4.5, and AP/DC are 6.0

@Brookemyluv3 days ago

Yeah you’re genuinely doing insanely well. Colleges will look at the gpa, not the percentage, so 93 is the same as 100 there. Just make sure you’re doing more than JUST rigorous classes (volunteering, clubs, a job, etc) and I’m sure you’ll do great :) <3

@_KC_2 days ago

Dang, you get extra points for honors? and AP/DC are 6.0?? In our school, DC is 4.5, and AP is 5.0.

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3 answers

3 days ago

This translates to a 3.97 unweighted GPA which is above Ivy's 75th percentile. When I read "I'm screwed" I thought you meant a lot of Bs or something. These grades are litterally impeccable.

3 days ago

Your grades look incredible, Don't get beat down by any sort of dip like your Spanish grade, Just keep grinding and Im sure you'll do great things. But also remember to do extracurriculars, Colleges, especially Ivy League Schools love to see a great GPA and a willingness to help others and involve yourself with the world!

3 days ago

Hi! (Junior here). From my understanding, Ivy Leagues (and any schools you will apply to), will look at your application from a holistic view point. What this means is that they will not just look at the grades for your classes alone, but they will also look at the academic rigor of your classes based on what your school offers, extracurriculars and your dedication and performance in them, as well as things such as your application essays and letters of recommendation from teachers. I do not think that you are "screwed" since these are some really outstanding grades in AP and honors classes! And please know that you do not need straight A's or 100%'s in all classes to get into Ivy's or even a public school.

Pat yourself on the back, you're doing great so far. You got this! :)

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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