3 days ago
Admissions Advice

Should I write my college essay about reconnecting with Korean Family.

So my grandma is korean which makes me one quarter korean. Its not much but it is still important to my identity. When she came to the US she dropped all her korean traditions and stuff so I never learned about it and never knew the language growing up. But in 8th grade or so I got really interested in it and decided to learn the language and get in touch with my family from Korea. Fast forward to this summer and we were finally able to travel there and meet my family. It was an amazing experience because until then I had only really met my dads side of the family. I was able to talk to my aunts, uncles, and cousins who mostly knew little to no English. Some people have said this is a great story to write about and some said it is not. My main worry is that it is about family so might not focus on me enough and that it is related to being asian. I know that affirmative action is not a thing anymore but I wouldnt put it past admissions to be sketchy. Anyway what do you guys think and also how should I relate it to my growth. I feel like I just know my family and the language now but not that much growth in my character idk maybe im not thinking hard enough.

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1 answer

2 days ago

I think it's a risky topic. It sounds like an awesome story and would make an interesting essay, but a lot of students write similar essays. This essay is where the admissions officers meet you. What do you want them to know about you?

This also depends on the schools you are applying to. If you are applying to prestigious universities, I don't recommend it. However, if you want to attend a school that you should be able to get into no problem, than you could totally write about this and not have a problem.

I hope this is helpful and let me know if you have any questions!

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