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a month ago
Admissions Advice

How are my chances of getting into SDSU with 3.65 GPA? (As a first-year student)

San Diego State is quite literally my dream school at the moment and I would the opportunity to attend. However, I do want to be a bit realistic and not get my hopes TOO high.

Just a few things to keep in mind:

- I am in a dual enrollment program; meaning I have taken college classes ever since my freshmen year of H.S.

- I have also taken multiple AP classess, and passed all my exams.

- I am a part of lots of extracirc. with leadership positions

- I know Cal States do not look at extracirc. BUT I am planning on applying to the EOP program.

My gpa is so low b/c I did really bad my sophmore year...lots of family and mental health issues.


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1 answer

a month ago[edited]

It's great that you're considering your options realistically while still aiming for your dream school, SDSU. Let's break down some factors that could influence your application:

GPA: Your 3.65 unweighted GPA is slightly below the average for SDSU, but it's still competitive, especially with your upward trend in grades. Admissions committees do appreciate improvement over time.

Course Rigor: Your participation in dual enrollment and AP courses demonstrates your ability to handle college-level work, which is a strong point in your favor.

Extracurriculars and Leadership: While the CSU system traditionally emphasizes GPA and test scores, your involvement and leadership can still shine through in your EOP application, personal statement, and any additional questions.

Context for Sophomore Year: It’s important to address the challenges you faced during your sophomore year in your applications, especially through your personal statement or additional information sections. Admissions officers appreciate transparency and resilience.

EOP Program: Applying to the Educational Opportunity Program could be beneficial, as it considers applicants who have faced educational or economic challenges. Make sure to highlight how you have overcome obstacles and how SDSU can support your future goals.

Would you like help crafting a narrative for your application that effectively communicates your strengths and context? Or is there another aspect of your application that you’re concerned about?

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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