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a month ago
Admissions Advice

Should I early decision to Carnegie Mellon?

Hi, I am a current senior planning to apply to CMU for computer science. CMU has been my dream school for years, and I am certain that it is my top choice, but since they got rid of their ED II and I heard that they are planning to get rid of Early Decision altogether, I was wondering whether or not its worth EDing or not. Does it still make my chances higher if I ED?

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1 answer

a month ago

It's great to hear that you're passionate about applying to Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) for computer science! CMU's School of Computer Science is highly competitive, so it's important to carefully consider your application strategy.

Applying Early Decision (ED) can often increase your chances of admission as it demonstrates a strong commitment to the school. However, there are a few factors to weigh in your decision:

Strength of Application: Do you feel confident that your application, including your GPA, test scores, and extracurriculars, reflects your best academic and personal achievements? ED is binding, so you want to ensure your application is as strong as possible.

Financial Considerations: Are you comfortable with the financial aid package that might be offered through ED? Since ED is binding, you won't have the opportunity to compare financial aid offers from other schools.

Readiness: Are you ready to commit to CMU if accepted? ED means that if you are admitted, you must attend, so be sure CMU is the absolute right fit for you.

Backup Plans: Have you considered other schools where you might apply if not accepted ED? It's important to have a balanced college list with a mix of reach, match, and safety schools.

If you're unsure about any of these aspects, I can help you think through them. What specific concerns do you have about applying ED, or is there an aspect of your application you want to discuss further to feel more confident in your decision?

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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