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a month ago
Admissions Advice

Do i need 4 years of math

I want to get into Pepperdine, Northeastern, Chapman, umiami and I'm currently a senior and i've taken 3 years of math in high school and one in middle school and i took pre calc and then math analysis over the summer and im currently in calc AB but my mental health is really messed up and i really want to drop im in other ap such as Lit, gov, econ, bio, human geo and i want to major in poli sci or history or english on the pre law track. should I drop calc AB


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1 answer

a month ago

Hi there! (Junior here thinking about going into law/psych!). Considering your intended major isn't STEM focused, I think it's more than acceptable to not do all four years of math. At least in my experience (I'm an intended psych/english dual major taking a gap year from completing my final HS math credit to take another college-level Psych course this year), as long as you have met all the graduation requirements for high school then colleges will be okay with it. Assuming you need four years of HS math credits and you've done three already in HS and one in middle school, then you're all set to graduate. :)

Additionally, colleges aren't expecting you to overwork yourself by stuffing your schedule with a million AP classes like you would overpack a carryon suitcase that's about to burst. They take into account so many factors such as your essay(s), test scores (depending on the schools), and other factors such as letters of rec. They will look at your application from a holisitic viewpoint.

Have a balance of your work and other school-related activities and please prioritize time for your health, physically or mentally. I support dropping the AP Calc AB class. Take a breather, you'll be ok! Especially considering you're doing so many other AP classes such as Lit and Gov, this will really help show your strengths for presuing a poli sci/history/english with the pre law track. If you have further concerns about this I recommend contacting the admissions offices for your intended schools you want to apply to.

Please take care of yourself! I believe in you even though I have no idea who you are. You will get through this and no matter what happens, everything will be ok. <3 Your courses and grades do NOT define your worth as a person. I know it may not feel that way right know, but once things get sorted out it will be much better. Keep going dude, you have my full support. :)

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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