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a month ago
Admissions Advice


Hello, I am an Asian-American from Kentucky and is considering applying to RSI. I have a 34 ACT and no research experience. Will any of these things factor into my chances of getting into RSI? Thanks!

@stragoa month ago [edited]

I'm gonna be honest, RSI is looking for people who already have distringuishable research experience. I would start with MITES or another MIT program that is a little more forgiving.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@JJ160a month ago

Yeah, that’s about what I’ve expected. I think I’m just going to apply to RSI as a gamble, but I’m mainly going to be focused on MITES. Thanks!

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1 answer

a month ago

Hi there! Applying to the Research Science Institute (RSI) is a fantastic opportunity, and I'd be happy to help you explore your chances and how to enhance your application.

To start, RSI is highly competitive and looks for students who show exceptional talent and potential in math, science, or engineering. Your ACT score of 34 is impressive and aligns well with their academic expectations.

Since you mentioned not having research experience, which is a key component of RSI applications, let's focus on showcasing other strengths. Here are a few questions to help us think this through:

Academic Excellence: Besides your ACT score, do you have a strong background in advanced math and science courses, like AP or honors classes? This can demonstrate your academic readiness.

Extracurricular Involvement: Are you involved in any science, math, or engineering clubs or competitions? Participation in Olympiads, science fairs, or similar activities can highlight your interest and commitment to these fields.

Unique Talents or Experiences: Do you have any unique projects, skills, or experiences that could set you apart? Maybe something school-related or a personal project that showcases your passion for science or math.

Personal Statement: Are you able to articulate your passion for science or math in a compelling personal statement? This is crucial to make your application stand out, especially if you're lacking formal research experience.

If you're unsure about any of these areas or need help brainstorming how to present your strengths, let me know! What's one area you feel confident about, or where do you think you might need some extra support in your application?

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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