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a month ago
Admissions Advice

What topic should I chose for my Dartmouth Supplement?

I'm currently working on the third supplemental essay for Dartmouth. I'm planning to answer the prompt: what excites you? But I'm unsure what exactly to write about. My first idea was to write about choir/singing since that is a huge part of my life and one of my favorite things to do/talk about, but I didn't really get anywhere with that essay. I also thought about writing about how much I love autumn. Would either of those topics be a good idea, or should I try to write something else? I'm also open to trying a different prompt. Thoughts?

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a month ago

That’s a great question! The objective for colleges to obtain based on your essays is the type of person you are and how they can tell you're a match. Now I am actually in choir, I’ve been in it for 3 years already and it’s something I love. Every time I come to preform I do get excited! If that’s something that you feel that makes you happy I don’t see the problem. You are asked what excites you, and choir seems to excite you, there is nothing wrong with that. Apart from academics colleges want to see you have other interests and are committed to them. Colleges really like when people talk about their hobbies and how you were introduced or motivated by them. Sometimes things like that lead others to achieve things they never imagined of. Now, if that doesn’t convince you and you feel like writing about your field related interests, talk about you figuring out how it fits you and what have you done to contribute towards your career interests. Maybe it can be extra-curricular, college courses, internships, hobbies related to that anything really. The key is to have proper word choice. If you think you have no rigor in your history make your “simple” actions/accomplishments be know and describe why they construct you as a person or construct your way of thinking. I hope this helps!!

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