11 hours ago
Admissions Advice

Essay Peer Review Concern

I recently submitted an essay for peer review and the feedback I received was simply a series of keyboard smashes.

I'm worried this person may have stolen my essay due to the suspicious nature of their "feedback" and I feel like my Karma has been wasted too. I've reported them but is there anything else I can do?

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4 hours ago

Wow, that's not cool...not cool at all.

I don't know if there's anything else you can do. I am SO sorry this happened to you.

I have reviewed essays before and I accidentally right clicked an essay once, which normally would copy the writing, but the Collegevine system prevents the reader from copying and pasting the essay. However, if someone was really out there to copy an essay, they may be able to type it word for word somewhere else, no pasting involved. Another reason someone could have done that was to get Karma for their own essay reviews. Hopefully, that was the case for your sake, though that would still be a very immature and dishonest thing to do.

Most of the reviewers are super great. I have never had any suspicious feedback and I have submitted tons of essays.

Most of the essays I have reviewed have such a personal aspect (career goals, background stories, specific extracurriculars) that it would be SUPER hard for a person to successfully use your essay. The reviewers only get to read a few sentences of the essay before deciding to review it, so it would not be easy to even find an essay that would fit enough to copy. How personal was your essay? Was there anything super unique to you?

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